The Fourth Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation
A Workshop of the 5th World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS 2014)
Estanplaza International Hotel, São Paulo, Brazil, 4th November 2014
Technical Program
8:30 |
Opening |
Session 1 Chair: Marcos Aurelio Santos Da Silva (EMBRAPATabuleiros Costeiros – Aracaju, Brazil) |
8:40 |
Coupled Human-Natural Systems in the Andes of Peru: A case for Policymaking and a Computational Social Science Research Program - Jose Manuel Magallanes |
9:00 |
Quantitative measures of emergent properties in Agent-Based models of street protests and violent confrontation - Carlos Lemos, Rui J. Lopes and Helder Coelho |
9:20 |
Adaptation Actors in Agriculture The role of Farmer Networks in agricultural adaptation to climate change - Karen Buchsbaum |
9:40 |
Modelling and Simulation of Public Policy Problems – Sense4us model builder and simulation tool - Osama Ibrahim |
10:00 |
Modeling and simulation of a socioterritorial system: an exploratory analysis of the Southern Rural Territory of Sergipe, Brazil - Marcos Aurelio Santos Da Silva |
10:30 |
Generating Different Scenarios of Brazilian Domestic Electricity Consumption using ABSSLibrary Tool - Fernanda Mota, Felipe Omena, Paulo Cordeiro, Graçaliz Dimuro, Vagner Rosa, Luis Menezes and Fernando Buarque |
11:00 |
Coffee-break |
Session 2 Chair: Luis Gustavo Nardin (InstituteofCognitive Science and Technology –Rome, Italy; d Universidade de São Paulo, USP- São Paulo Brasil) |
11:30 |
A Proposal for Experimental Performance Evaluation of Urban Simulations using Jason Cognitive Agents - Frank Kono |
12:00 |
ABMIT a python agent-based modelling platform - DavoudTaghawi-Nejad |
12:20 |
Simulations, Games and Social Processes in Science - André Martins, Mario Paolucci, Francisco Grimaldo and OzgeDilaverKalkan |
12:40 |
Coping with social systems: agent reflexivity in computational models - Cesar Garcia-Diaz and Camilo Olaya |
13:00 |
Lunch (not included) |
Session 3 Chair: Helder Coelho (Universidade de Lisboa – Lisboa, Portugal) |
14:30 |
Social Exchange Processes Among Triads of Agents in Multiagent Systems - Yunevda Ekaterina León Rojas, Henrique Donancio, Diana F. Adamatti and Graçaliz P. Dimuro |
15:00 |
Using Reputation to Improve Partner Selection in a Smart Grid Environment - Luciano Rosset, Luis Gustavo Nardin and Jaime Sichman |
15:30 |
Adapting complex dynamic systems to multiagent-based simulation - Priscilla Avegliano and Jaime Sichman |
16:00 |
Coffee-break |
16:30 |
Painel: Social Simulation Research in Latin America Gustavo Lugo -UFTPR, Brasil (chair); Cesar Garcia-Diaz - Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia; JiameSichman - USP, Brasil; José Manuel Magallanes Reyes- PontificiaUniversidad Católica delPerú, Peru. |
17:30 |
Closing |
Technical Program (Download)